速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player

Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖1)-速報App

Less Music Player is a free music player for android. It is design to be a simple music player that packed with useful features to improve your musical experience better.

With the simple and easy to use interface, It's make this music player feel unique yet similar to the other music apps. Less is adapt some part of material design, So you don't have to learn anything new in order to use this app.

Key Features

✔ Browse music library by Albums, Artists, Songs, Playlist and Folder.

✔ Reorder, select start up page or hide unwanted tabs easily.

Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖2)-速報App

✔ Simple search music. Support Albums, Artists and Songs

✔ Exclude music folder option.

✔ Simple play queue that you can use anytime. It's support add, remove, reorder, clear and save as playlist.

✔ Music Control Center on bottom of the screen. Make it easy for you to control you music.

✔ Swipe to change song in now playing screen.

Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖3)-速報App

✔ Support System playlist. You can add, delete or remove song or rename playlist.

✔ Light and Dark theme (More are coming).

✔ Packed with menu that you actually use such as Play Next, Add to queue, Add to playlist, etc.

✔ Simple and really easy to use.

Less is music player that still in development. We will try to add more features in future update. If you have any suggestion or find any bug, please contract us. We will try own best to support you.

Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖4)-速報App


- This app can be use in completely offline mode.

- It has ads to support further development, But there also option to remove them.

- This music player can play your local music only, no download option.


Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖5)-速報App

Images use in screenshot come from unsplash.com

Less - Simple & Minimalist Music Player(圖6)-速報App